
Pain-Free Solutions: How Chiropractic Care Can Provide Migraine Relief Without Side Effects

JUL 2023
Pain-Free Solutions: How Chiropractic Care Can Provide Migraine Relief Without Side Effects

Migraine is a common medical condition often experienced by many people. Chronic and recurring migraine headaches can reduce an individual’s performance level as well as affect their quality of life. It is a prevalent disorder but very few methods can offer a pain-free solution like chiropractic care– a safe and non-invasive treatment that can bring relief!

What Is A Migraine?

People often think of migraines as headaches but it is more than that. Migraine is actually a neurovascular condition that is known to cause pulsating and frequent headaches, from light to severe. The attack is often on one side of the head, and it causes expansion in the blood vessels in the head, leading to inflammation.

The known symptoms of migraines are visual disturbance, vomiting, nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. According to some studies, frequent chiropractic care can help manage pain while providing relief. Chiropractic care is also a pain-free solution with less medication and no side effects.

The Phases Of Migraine


In addition to frequent and severe headaches, some patients have also had additional symptoms. Some of these symptoms may include jaw function problems, shoulder muscle tension and neck stiffness. These symptoms can be treated and the pain managed with the use of medicines, but these medications have side effects. For this reason, it is often recommended that individuals with migraine issues look for alternate treatment plans such as chiropractic care. Chiropractors understand that migraine develops in these 4 phases and they look for appropriate solutions for them…

Prodrome: This phase of migraine lasts for several hours or a few days. The individual with a migraine may experience difficulty concentrating, food cravings, nausea, fatigue and other symptoms during this phase.

Aura: About 15 to 20 percent experience the aura phase if it happens. The symptoms characterized by this phase include ringing ears, tingling, numbness, blind spots in your vision or temporary loss of vision. This phase only lasts between 5 minutes to 1 hour.

Headache: Migraine is characterized by headaches, the main symptom. Usually, the pain starts on one side of the head before moving to the other side as time goes on. At this phase, the migraine headaches can last for up to 2 days.

Postdrome: It takes about a day or two to recover from this phase which is why it is called the “migraine hangover.” This phase is characterized by feelings of depression or fatigue, trouble understanding things or difficulty concentrating.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Provide Migraine Relief Without Side Effects

Chiropractic treatment can help with many musculoskeletal issues. Many individuals with migraine issues have avoided risky surgeries through chiropractic treatment. By combining different chiropractic techniques such as spinal manipulation and passive and active exercises, chiropractors have been able to provide migraine relief without side effects.

Generally, chiropractic treatment is a non-addictive and non-invasive way of helping migraine patients manage their pains. Other benefits of chiropractic care for migraine patients are improved physical function and performance, decreased muscle inflammation, relief from tension and stress and reduced discomfort and pain.

To enjoy all these benefits, here are different ways through which a chiropractor can help provide migraine relief without side effects…

1. Multidisciplinary Care Intervention

This is a chiropractic method of treatment that involves the combination of many techniques to provide a holistic solution to migraine. When this method is used, your chiropractor may combine dietary changes, relaxation techniques, stress management and physical exercises. This combination is so that your relief is long-term.

After this procedure is completed, migraine patients often experience a reduction in the intensity, duration and frequency of the pain. One advantage of this technique is that it improves general well-being, making you more energized and active afterward.

2. Neuromuscular Massage

Neuromuscular Massage

Neuromuscular massage is another chiropractic treatment technique that focuses on trigger points in the head, neck, shoulder(s) and back. When these trigger points are massaged, the muscles become more relaxed, there is improved blood flow and relief from stress. Furthermore, pressure from compressed nerves is released through this process. This provides relief because it is from the compressed nerves that the brain gets pain signals. Through neuromuscular massage, patients should expect a considerable reduction in the symptoms of migraine.

3. Low-Load Craniocervical Mobilization

Low-load craniocervical mobilization is similar to spinal manipulation, but it differs from it by using a softer method of exerting force. This technique primarily targets the neck to address particular problems there. A chiropractor performs the procedure by rhythmically moving the cervical segments while applying light pressure to the neck’s joints.

The chiropractor aims to relieve pain, encourage mobility and restore balance to the craniocervical region by using the technique. Mild pressure applied to the neck joints promotes tension release and helps the cervical vertebrae realign, which enhances overall functionality.

4. Integration Of Chiropractic Treatment And Neurological Care

A care strategy that is well-coordinated and developed by neurologists and chiropractors is more likely to be successful. Both chiropractic care and neurology are effective for treating migraines.

To give the patient the best possible level of care, it is necessary to combine the best practices due to the multiclausal nature of migraine.

5. Lifestyle Changes

Chiropractors can also suggest some lifestyle changes to help with migraine. This is because they know the various stages involved in treating any condition. In addition to receiving neurological treatment and chiropractic adjustments, you must manage the factors that cause migraines, such as stress, prolonged screen time, certain foods and inadequate sleep. Furthermore, you must adopt discipline in your lifestyle if you want to avoid these causes. Start with small adjustments that will eventually develop into positive routines. Generally, making small changes to your lifestyle and receiving chiropractic care can help prevent chronic migraine pain.


Without side effects, chiropractic care provides a painless migraine relief option. Chiropractors can offer efficient and long-lasting relief by addressing the underlying causes of migraines using spinal adjustments, cranial manipulations and other techniques. Chiropractic treatment offers a promising alternative for those looking for a drug-free and side-effect-free method of managing migraines.