
Chiropractic Treatment For A Herniated Disc

DEC 2022
Chiropractic Treatment For A Herniated Disc
Chiropractic Treatment For A Herniated Disc

A protruding disc is frequently considered to be a typical sign of aging. It might hurt and make you less mobile. Bulging discs and other disc conditions are frequently experienced by athletes and individuals with physically demanding jobs. Another factor that can contribute to disc weakening is inadequate hydration and nutrition.

Chiropractic care is a successful treatment for painful bulging discs. A concussion to the spine known as a herniated disc can happen anywhere along the spine, but it most frequently affects the lower back or neck.

Herniated discs can result from normal aging, overuse injuries or trauma to the spine, but disc disorders can also be brought on by these conditions. Additionally, it is understood that genetics may play a role in the emergence of disc degeneration and ruptured discs.

What’s A Bulging/Herniated Disc?

What’s A Herniated Disc

The spinal discs gradually lose fluid capacity as we age. Around age 30, this process begins, and it advances gradually over time. Contrary to popular belief, bulging discs are not the same as ruptured discs. A disc with a herniated disc has a crack in its outer layer. The medical term for this is annulus. Usually, only a small portion of the disc is damaged, allowing soft material to emerge. Due to the absence of a ruptured disc’s crack, this is distinct from a bulging disc. The disc protrudes from the gap but does not break or have any material protrude from it. Like a herniated disc, it also affects a larger portion of the disc.

Reasons For A Herniated Disc

  • Wear and tear: Discs lose some of their flexibility when they dry out.
  • Repetitive motions: Activities related to work, lifestyle and some sports that strain the spine, particularly the lower back, further deteriorate a region that is already fragile.
  • Lifting inappropriately: Avoid lifting by bending your waist. Lifting correctly includes using your legs and keeping your back straight.
  • Injury: The disc may bulge, tear or rupture as a result of high-impact trauma.
  • Obesity: Carrying too much weight strains the spine excessively.
  • Genetics: Some genes are more frequently found in people who have disc degeneration. The function of these genes needs to be better understood since they may one day be used as targets for biological therapies.

What Are Some Symptoms Of A Herniated Disc?

Symptoms Of A Herniated Disc

A bulging disc can cause pain that can worsen over time, but a herniated disc is probably more excruciating. Some of the important signs and symptoms of a herniated disc include:

  • One or both legs may experience tingling, numbness or muscle weakness
  • Alterations to bowel or urinary function
  • One or both legs exhibit excessive reflexivity
  • Under-waist paralysis
  • Significant shoulder ache or discomfort in the shoulder region
  • Back or neck pain that is felt when moving
  • The upper arm, forearm and fingers are all in pain

How Can Chiropractic Care Treat A Herniated Disc?

Many people with bulging and herniated discs choose chiropractic care since it is non-invasive and doesn’t require medicines or injections.

Once your ailment has been diagnosed, you and your chiropractor can collaborate to choose the most effective course of action.

Your chiropractor may want to confirm your diagnosis, so you may be asked questions about your medical history, undergo a physical exam and undergo tests to determine how well your nerves, reflexes and muscles are working.

To gain a clearer understanding of what is going on, your chiropractor may also request an MRI or X-ray in addition to other diagnostic tests.

Your chiropractor will strive to treat your entire spine to relieve your pain, allow your spine to heal and improve your mobility.

By manipulating your spine around and around the bulging or herniated disc, your chiropractor will gently apply low-force techniques to reduce the uncomfortable sensations.

The spine’s joints can be opened up by using cervical or lumbar traction machines. This relieves pressure on the disc and enables the bulging and/or herniation to return to their proper positions.


Chiropractic care for herniated or bulging discs is long-lasting, safe and effective. You owe it to yourself to seek professional chiropractic care if you are experiencing back pain due to a disc issue so that you can live a pain-free, more mobile life. Call New Tampa Chiropractic & Injury Center at 813-994-6111 for more information or to schedule an appointment.